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  New Orleans Lakefront Airport

New Orleans Lakefront Airport - A new era emerges
Southern Airways Express announces new commercial services to the Gulf Coast

 New Orleans Lakefront Airport located in New Orleans East

A magnificent restoration of the New Orleans Lakefront Airport has produced a gem for travelers to and from New Orleans. Originally the major commercial airport in the New Orleans area, the lakefront facilities, thanks to  several Fixed Based Operators (FBO) have for the past decades, served as the hub for private, charter and occasionally military flight activities. FEMA provided funds to repair and restore the facility which was heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

Lakefront Airport is a major gateway to New Orleans during major events such as the Superbowl.

New Fixed Based Operators are transforming the New Orleans Lakefront Airport into a hub of private and commercial aircraft activity.
Commercial flights return to New Orleans Lakefront Airport via Southern Airways Express.
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